Shady.Video Sub-module

This submodule is not imported by default by the parent package. Import it for its side-effect: it enables the video property of the Shady.Stimulus class.

If s is a Stimulus instance and is equal to its default value of None, then saying: = 'fish.mp4'

implicitly creates a VideoSource object with the source property equal to 'fish.mp4'. (If was previously already a VideoSource, object then its source property is simply updated accordingly.)

The third-party package cv2 (installable with pip install opencv-python) is required for video support. Any source readable by cv2.VideoCapture is acceptable: use an integer to open a live camera stream, or a string to specify a video file name.

If you want to record the video to disk while rendering, there are two approaches. One way is to capture frames in a way that is time- (or frame-) locked to the animation of the World: in this case, see the doc for the VideoRecording class, which can capture the content of any Stimulus regardless of whether its source is a VideoSource, or even capture an entire World. The other way is to record a VideoSource that is already attached to a Stimulus, sub-sampling frames at an independent pace in a background thread: in this case, simply call

If you want to record a video to disk without attaching it to a Shady.Stimulus, or even without having a Shady.World running at all. Let’s say you want to record from camera 0:

from Shady.Video import VideoSource
s = VideoSource(0).Record('foo')
# ...

An acquisition thread will continually read frames from the camera until you call s.Close(). A separate recording thread will continually write frames to the specified file (foo.avi in this example) until you call either s.Close() or s.StopRecording().

Note that reading frames from a camera or file, capturing stimulus content into memory, and recording video frames to disk all use RAM and place a burden on the CPU—they are not intended for applications in which precise timing is critical.