
This is one of the example scripts included with Shady. These scripts can be run conventionally like any normal Python script, or you can choose to run them as interactive tutorials, for example with python -m Shady demo dots4

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the Shady project, a Python framework for
# real-time manipulation of psychophysical stimuli for vision science.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Jeremy Hill, Scott Mooney
# Shady is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .

#: Interactive real-time demo of the power of multi-element stimuli
This demo shows how large numbers of independent elements can be
animated and made to respond in real time.

A single `Shady.Stimulus`, while usually rendered as a rectangle,
can be rendered as anything up to 20,000 independent points. If these
are managed as a `numpy` array, and manipulated in a "vectorized" way
such that the bulk of the arithmetic operations happen in compiled
binaries, these points can be animated in quite sophisticated ways,
well within 60 fps deadlines (verify this with `--gauge` and/or
`--debugTiming` provided you have numpy and matplotlib installed)

An `n`-sided polygon uses up `n+1` points, so for polygons, when you
specify `--nsides=3`  or above, the number of independent polygons
`--ndots=m` is limited by `(n+1)*m <= 20000`

A line segment uses up just 2 points, so for line segments, you can
specify either `--nsides=2` or `--nsides=1` (both are equivalent)
and then the number of independent segments can be anything up to

Move the mouse around / touch the touch-screen to interact with the
if __name__ == '__main__':

	import Shady

	Parse the command-line for the usual World construction options:
	cmdline = Shady.WorldConstructorCommandLine()

	..and add a few options that parameterize the demo:
	ndots  = cmdline.Option( 'ndots' , 3000,  type=int, container=None, doc='Number of independent shapes.' )
	nsides = cmdline.Option( 'nsides',    2,  type=int, min=1, container=None, doc='\n1 or 2 for line segments:  ndots <= %d\n3+ for polygons:           ndots*(nsides+1) <= %d' % ( Shady.Rendering.MAX_POINTS / 2, Shady.Rendering.MAX_POINTS ) )
	radius = cmdline.Option( 'radius',   10,  type=( int, float ), container=None, doc='Dictates the half-width of each shape, in pixels.' )
	spin   = cmdline.Option( 'spin',    0.2,  type=( int, float ), container=None, doc='Max. number of revolutions per second of each shape around its own center.' )
	energy = cmdline.Option( 'energy',  0.3,  type=( int, float ), container=None, doc='Larger numbers make the storm winds blow harder.' )
	dims   = cmdline.Option( 'dims',  ( 0, 1 ),  type=( tuple, list ), length=2, container=None, doc='Which two of the three dimensions of the attractor should\nbe plotted? Possibilities:  0,1   1,0   0,2   2,0   1,2   2,1' )
	gauge  = cmdline.Option( 'gauge', False,  type=bool,  container=None, doc="Whether or not to show a `FrameIntervalGauge`." )
	Shady.Require( 'numpy' ) # die with an informative error if this is missing

	First let's create a shape.  For nsides > 2 we'll use a polygon,
	delimited by a NaN. A special case will be nsides=1 or nsides=2
	both of which will be interpreted to mean that each shape is a single
	line segment. In that case the "LINES" draw-mode will be used, and
	that draws a separate line segment connecting the points in each
	successive pair, so we can omit the NaN-break between shapes (we don't
	have to, but it increases the max number of shapes we can use by 50%).
	if nsides == 1: nsides = 2
	shape = Shady.ComplexPolygonBase( nsides, appendNaN=nsides>2 ) # 1-by-(nsides+1) complex
	if shape.size * ndots > Shady.Rendering.MAX_POINTS:
		raise ValueError( 'too many points: (nsides + 1) * ndots should be <=%d' % Shady.Rendering.MAX_POINTS )

	Create the World according to the usual command-line opts
	w = Shady.World( bg=0.2, **cmdline.opts )
	if gauge: Shady.FrameIntervalGauge( w )

	Create a field on which to draw multiple copies of the shape:
	field = w.Stimulus(
		anchor = -1,                # position its bottom-left corner...
		position = w.Place( -1 ),   # in the bottom-left corner of the window
		size = w.size,              # and (potentially) fill the window
		noise = -0.5,               # with high-contrast uniform noise...
		drawMode = Shady.DRAWMODE.POLYGON if nsides > 2 else Shady.DRAWMODE.LINES,  # ...but only where the shapes are

	Define a center to the maelstrom, and allow the user 
	to move it with the mouse or touch-screen:
	w.eyeOfStorm = field.Place( 0, 0, False )
	@w.EventHandler( slot=-1 )
	def Interact( self, event ):
		if event.type in [ 'mouse_motion', 'mouse_press' ]: # and 'left' in event.button.split():
			self.eyeOfStorm = Shady.RelativeLocation( [ event.x, event.y ], field )

	Choose which two dimensions of the 3-D attractor
	will be projected onto the screen:
	realdim, imagdim = dims
	scale = min( w.size ) / 25.0
	def OriginXYZ():
		global realdim, imagdim # just to make things more readable later on
		realdim, imagdim = dims
		out = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
		out[ realdim ], out[ imagdim ] = w.eyeOfStorm
		if 2 in dims: out[ 2 ] -= scale * 10.0
		return out

	Initialize the position and angular velocity of each shape:
	import numpy
	start = [ OriginXYZ()[ i ] + scale * numpy.random.uniform( -10, 10, ndots ) for i in range( 3 ) ]  # 3-by-ndots real coords X,Y,Z
	spin = numpy.random.uniform( -spin, spin, [ ndots, 1 ] )  # ndots-by-1 real

	Set up the differential equations of the attractor:
	a, b, c = 10.0, 28.0, 8.0 / 3.0  # the Lorenz attractor's three magic numbers
	denom = 2; a /= denom; b /= denom; c /= denom # necessary if using Integral(integrate='trapezium') which is the default; comment out if using Integral(integrate='rectangle')

	def deriv( t ):
		x, y, z = tap()	# defined below: will provide a view into the previous value of the integral of this function
		x0, y0, z0 = OriginXYZ()
		x = ( x - x0 ) / scale
		y = ( y - y0 ) / scale 
		z = ( z - z0 ) / scale
		d_dt = [  a * ( y - x ),     x * ( b - z ) - y,    x * y - c * z  ]  # Lorenz attractor equations
		return energy * scale * numpy.vstack( d_dt )  # output is 3-by-ndots real velocities dX/dt, dY/dt, dZ/dt

	Build a `Shady.Function` object that integrates
	the above function:
	func = Shady.Integral( deriv, initial=start )
	tap = func.Tap( initial=start ) # allows the Function values to be inspected at this stage of processing
	func.Transform( lambda coord: ( coord[ realdim ] + 1j * coord[ imagdim ] )[ :, None ] )  # transform 3-by-ndots real to ndots-by-1 complex
	func += lambda t: radius * shape * 1j ** ( 4.0 * spin * t ) # add nsides-by-ndots independently spinning shapes

	field.points = func  # dynamic value assignment to the managed `Stimulus` property `.points`
	Shady.AutoFinish( w )