
Shady 1.13.4

Welcome to Shady. Shady is for programmers who work in neuroscience, especially vision science. It is a two-dimensional graphics engine and Python framework, for generating and presenting psychophysically-accurate visual stimuli, and for manipulating them in real time with minimal CPU usage and minimal “boilerplate” coding. For an outline of Shady’s structure and features, see the “Overview” topic documentation.

To download and install the Python package:

To get started:

  • To run an interactive tour of the main features: python -m Shady demo showcase

  • To get more information about that demo (such as the command-line options it supports): python -m Shady help showcase

  • To see a list of other similar demos: python -m Shady list

To learn more:

  • Class and method docstrings—e.g. help(Shady.World) or help(Shady.Screens) from within Python (or better, if you are using IPython: Shady.World? etc.)

  • For topic documentation: docstrings of objects inside the Shady.Documentation submodule—e.g. help(Shady.Documentation.PreciseControlOfLuminance)

  • It’s also all on https://shady.readthedocs.io

To ask questions:

To cite Shady:

When reporting any study in which you used Shady, please cite:

  • Hill NJ, Mooney SWJ, Ryklin EB & Prusky GT (2019). Shady: a Software Engine for Real-Time Visual Stimulus Manipulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 320: 79-86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.03.020

        author  = {Hill, N. Jeremy  and  Mooney, Scott W. J.  and  Ryklin, Edward B.  and  Prusky, Glen T.},
        title   = {{Shady}: a Software Engine for Real-Time Visual Stimulus Manipulation},
        journal = {Journal of Neuroscience Methods},
        volume  = {320},
        number  = {C},
        pages   = {79--86},
        month   = {May},
        year    = {2019},
        date    = {2019-05-15},
        doi     = {10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.03.020},
        url     = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.03.020},

    A pre-print is also available on https://shady.readthedocs.io

Indices and tables